Friday, November 4, 2011

pumpkin carving

As we do every year for Halloween, we decided to carve a pumpkin.  Normally, we would go to a pumpkin patch.  In Plano, the only "pumpkin patches" we found were in church parking lots.  The churches would have a section of the parking lot roped off, some hay scattered around, and pumpkins lying on the concrete.  It was really funny!

We decided to go to the "pumpkin patch" at a Methodist church down the street from us.  It was an odd experience, walking through a parking lot to pick out a pumpkin, but the proceeds went to support their youth program.  Here's the one we picked!

Nathan started by cutting out the lid and emptying the contents.  We were too lazy to save any seeds for roasting this year...made the process go a lot faster!

Then, we taped up the design Nathan created and began punching it out with a tack.

Then...we carved!

And here it is...this year's design...

Winnie the Pooh!  Watch out for the bee!!!

1 comment:

  1. LOL! cute! I hate bees though so that's definitely one of the scarier pumpkins I've seen! :o


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