Saturday, August 4, 2012

six months and solid foods

Can you believe it?  Our little girl has turned six months old!

She just gets cuter and cuter, doesn't she?  On the morning of her sixth month birthday, Kristin dressed her up and took her into the living room for this "photo shoot".  She was an excellent sport about the whole thing, giving us cute smiles along with other, more "natural" poses.

For instance, here she is sucking on her "safety fingers".  This is what she does when she's tired, overwhelmed, frightened, or just plain bored.

And then there's this one - showing Mommy how big her mouth is!

After such a sleep-deprived first few months, we're glad we now have a happy baby with such a fun personality.

She's been attempting to crawl but hasn't quite managed it yet.  We describe what she does do as "the inchworm."

First, she sees what she wants...

...then she excitedly waves all limbs in the air (we think this might actually be an official pilates's pretty impressive!)...

...then she does upward dog (a yoga term)...

...and then she plants her face into the floor and starts to move her knees underneath her.

She eventually ends up in downward dog (another yoga term)...

...and then she finally falls over.

In all of the pilates and yoga moves, she actually does manage to scoot herself forward to grab whatever it is that she wants.  Fortunately for us, she's still incredibly slow about it.  It's only a matter of time, though...

We also just started sitting her at the table with us for meal times!  We've given her a sippy cup with water, but she's still not quite sure what to do with it yet.

Today, we fed her solids for the first time!  Nathan decided that her first food should be sweet potato, so we bought a few sweet potatoes, cooked them, and blended them up.  She was excited. :)

Rather than letting Kristin put the spoon in her mouth, Rebekah had to help things along a bit.  She would grab the spoon, mash her fingers into the sweet potato, and then put the whole mess into her mouth by herself.

But, we think she liked what she tasted.

Food is fun!

By the time we were done, she had started reaching for the spoon (not sure if she wanted more sweet potatoes or just wanted to play with her silverware).  We also had a very messy table, and an even messier baby.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh so cute!!! Lots of those yoga moves look oh so familiar from Aaron. :)


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