Wednesday, March 28, 2012

fireplace s'mores

Kristin here.  Last week, we did something that I've always wanted to do.  I've been planning it since we made a bid on our house.  We roasted marshmallows in the fireplace!

Nathan's mom came down for a visit during her Spring Break, and then his aunt and grandmother visited for one day while she was here.  We enjoyed visiting, ate a good dinner, and then I busted out the marshmallows.

They don't seem to roast as well in a fireplace with a fake log burning (I used one of those fire-starter logs).  The middle cooked before the outside browned.  That's okay...I made a s'more anyway!

Everyone joined in on the fun, including Nathan's grandmother.

And Nathan's mom, Becky, came up with a great addition for her s'more.  M&Ms make everything better!

On a different note, we're doing well!  We're slowly (very slowly) getting unpacked and figuring out life in our new neighborhood.  We've been going to church the past few weeks and are looking forward to checking out a Sunday school class this weekend.  I still have to watch most of the service from the mother's room while nursing or rocking Rebekah, but it's nice to be back just the same.

Rebekah is growing fast...she's almost 2 months old!  She's smiling up a storm and also fussier than ever.  It's amazing to us how she can do both at the same time.  She still won't take a bottle or a pacifier, and I admit that I'm giving up hope on winning that battle.  We still try, though - I call those times "torture hour at the Stone household".

I'm becoming the typical stay-at-home mom.  The highlight of my day today was a dirty diaper (it was quite the doozy!), and it's a rare day when I talk to anyone besides Nathan.  I'd like to get outdoors a bit more, but my goodness it's been hot!  It wouldn't be so bad if I could fit into any of my shorts, but nope. :)  On that note, though, I've been cleared to begin exercising!  I've managed to fit in a workout every day this week, and I've (sadly) giving up eating desserts.  I'm also slowly transitioning back into dissertation writing, digital scrapbooking, and blogging.  Although I know I'll never be able to do all that I used to do, it's nice to be getting back to my old self.

Nathan is awesome, as always.  He's been incredibly willing to help me with Rebekah in the middle of the night, and he enjoys taking her on when he's home in the evenings.  He's also the one to tackle the fun jobs of trying out the bottle and pacifier - he's so patient!  People have always told us that having kids is hard on a marriage, and I can see why.  But, I've been blessed with a husband who puts my needs first, and that inspires me to put his first as well.  When we do that, marriage is the best thing ever!

Hope all of you are doing well...I've got to go change a diaper now. :) 

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