Sunday, April 15, 2012

april happenings

It's been a great month so far.  We've finally gotten to the point where our house is semi-unpacked (at least enough where we know where most of our stuff is), and we seem to have also settled into a bit more of a routine.

Rebekah is as cute as ever!  She's been smiling a lot, and this past week she found her hands, which she's been chewing on ever since.  She doesn't just stick with putting her thumb in her mouth - she tends to go for both full fists at once!

Our biggest challenge with Rebekah is still getting her to take a bottle.  She won't do it for us or for the church nursery, which means that Kristin hasn't really been able to go to a full church service in a while.  It has also hindered our ability to go on a date together, but we're determined to get back to that in May (even if we have to get creative and find something she can do with us).

We've continued going to Stonebriar Community Church, and we've continued to love it.  We're looking at attending the Member's class in May, and we have started visiting Sunday fellowship groups.  These are a perfect option because they meet during church, and therefore we can use the church nursery.  Once Rebekah gets a little older, we'll consider checking out some home small groups, but until then, the Sunday fellowships are our best bet.  We've narrowed it down to two groups and will be picking where we want to get plugged in pretty soon.  A couple from one of the groups invited us over for Easter dinner after only meeting us once...we accepted!  It was great to finally meet some people.

Otherwise, we celebrated Easter by doing what we do every year...we dyed eggs!

Rebekah got in on the action (kinda).  We are firm believers that you are never too old or too young to partake in Easter fun.

As usual, Nathan spent hours developing the perfect design.  He had out the painter's tape and everything!

Kristin (being the non-artistic person that she is) was done in a matter of minutes.  She and Rebekah just watched as Nathan worked on his masterpiece.

One of Nathan's eggs going into the dye...

Here are the finished products!

We also started a new tradition this year of decorating sugar cookies.  Unfortunately, we don't have any Easter cookie cutters, so we were decorating gingerbread men, hearts, lips, and Mickey Mouses.

The cookies tasted great, but our decorating skills were pretty lacking.  Kristin didn't have the right kind of mixer to mix up the icing, and we ended up getting icing all over the kitchen.  Then, we accidentally made the icing too thick, so it didn't stick to the cookies very well.  In the end, they were a bit sugary mess...but delicious!

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