Monday, March 5, 2012


Last week, we got most of the interior of the downstairs of the house painted.  We plan on doing the rest later, after we've saved up more money.  For now, we focused on the rooms we'll be living in for the immediate future.

We had spent a while working on color choice (it's a scary thing to put a color on a wall), and Nathan had even ended up getting us an appointment with a design consultant at Pottery Barn as a fun surprise for Kristin.  Here's the finished result in the colors we chose (all colors are Benjamin Moore).

Master Bathroom in Cherokee Brick

 Master Bedroom in Adagio

Another view of the Master Bedroom

 Living Room in Stone House (what an ironic name, right?!) with accents in Barrista

 Entry Hallway in Kingsport Gray

 Kitchen in Oxford Gray

 Study in Aventurine

This past weekend, we decided to tackle a room that we didn't have professionally painted...the master closet.  We weren't going to pay to have a closet done, but it looked "used" enough that we wanted to freshen it up before moving in.  We still have another coat to go (plus the shelving), but here's an idea of how it will look (the brown accents were Nathan's idea!).

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